This is a big week for the 4th and 5th grade students at Tuscany Heights Elementary. They will be participating in STAAR on Tuesday, April 1, and on Wednesday, April 2.
April 1, 2014
4th grade-writing
5th grade-math & STAAR L math
April 2, 2014
4th grade-writing
5th grade-reading
During testing, Tuscany will be a closed campus. Please do not plan to have lunch with your child on these two days. Thank you for your assistance in providing the most optimum testing environment.
The NEISD 2014 Used Book Sale will be open to the public Friday, April 4, 10:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m., Saturday, April 5, 10:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m. and Sunday, April 6, 11:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. Sunday is Bag Day - $15.00 for the 1st bag, $10.00 for each additional bag.
Our 2nd grade students have been hard at work preparing for their performance at the PTA general meeting at 6:30 P.M. in the cafeteria. The musical is called “Go Fish”.
Our PTA writing contest winner this month is Eshal Ali from Mrs. Silvers’ class. Eshal will be invited to read her essay at the opening of our PTA meeting on Tuesday.
2014-2015 THE PTA Officer Nominations
Thank you for submitting your THE PTA Officer Nominations. Tuscany Heights PTA members will vote on the proposed 2014-2015 PTA Officers at the General Meeting on Tuesday, April 1st at 6:30pm. Below is the list of proposed officers.
President - Alana Harris
1st Vice President - Mindy Waters
2nd Vice President - Ways & Means - Tina Guerrero
3rd Vice President -Programs - Donna Oyler
4th Vice President - Volunteers - Jennifer Easley
5th Vice President - Communications - Leigh Ellis
Secretary - Jennifer Smith
Treasurer - Amanda Foshee
Young Masters Elementary
Tuscany Heights’ teachers selected three to four pieces of art from each class to be showcased. Our student art was awesome, and we are very proud of all of our young artist. A SPECIAL THANKS TO SONJA MORRIS AND ALL OUR VOLUNTEERS FOR THE PREPARATIONS AND SET UP FOR THIS EVENT!
Synergize Tigers and Log your Service Hours!
THE PTA will honoring students with the Presidential Volunteer Service Award (PVSA) in May. All volunteer log sheets are due April 18th. Students can earn a special spirit stick for logging 10 hours. Click here for more information about PVSA and how to log your service hours!
Talk A Walk Through Time With The Entire Family...April 5, 2014
Whether you are a History "buff" or simply want to experience a fun activity as a family, the Annual Tejeda History Faire & Culture Fest is the event that all will enjoy! There will be plenty of "hands-on" activities for all ages to experience.
Come and learn about the Buffalo Soldiers, hear a real Mariachi Band, watch a Medieval Tournament, or interact with Roman Soldiers!
Historical re-enactment groups will be on the grounds of Tejeda's History Hill for a day of fun and learning,
FREE to all.
Children of all ages may participate in activities from all eras of history. Dancing, music, and art will invite the young as well as the old to experience the ways that our ancestors lived.
Tejeda Clubs will be selling food, drinks, and various items to benefit their organizations. A shaded area for eating and resting will be available as well as restroom facilities.