We’ve had a great year! Thank you for helping support our campus and lending us such fabulous students. Our staff members have worked diligently to provide the best learning environment while creating exciting, innovative lessons for the students. Now, it is almost summer. Time for everyone to relax, rejuvenate and prepare for another incredible year. We are already anticipating the theme, creativity, lessons, investigations, research, and more!
We will send one more eBlast June 4th to wish everyone a safe summer and share some August dates, and then communication will begin again in August 2015.
I have also attached the Summer Rec forms if you are look for something for your students to get involved in different things.
Thank you,
Tara Bailey
Upcoming Dates
Monday, June 1st: 5th Grade Pool Party/Gold’s Gym
4th Grade Make-up Field Trip: Mills Cabin (Valdez, Imken(Cowan), Cue (Shortt), Spicer
Thursday, June 4th: 5th Grade Graduation Ceremony 8:30am-10am
End of the Year Celebrations K-4
Lost & Found Items Donated After Today, Office Closes at 4:00pm
Last Day of School for Students
PTA News
ALL lost and found items will be donated at the end of the day – June 4!
It's that time of year when we put away our winter clothes and get ready for spring...BUT where is YOUR child's winter jacket/sweater/hoodie??? Check out THE's LOST and FOUND! We have MANY items waiting to be claimed, please help us find their homes. At the end of the semester, all unclaimed items will be donated.
Also, please label your child's clothing and other items so if they find their way to the LOST and FOUND, we can try to get them back to you. It’s a Win-Win! Thank you!!!
Earn 60 BONUS Box Tops when you buy 10 Box Top items in one trip to HEB between June 17 and June 30. That is a quick and easy $6.00 extra for Tuscany Heights! If everyone in the school participated, we could easily earn well over $3,600 in one promotion (well over our goal of $2750, we are BEGINNING WITH THE END IN MIND)! Just think of the amazing things we could do with that extra money for Tuscany Heights! Save those Box Tops for the fall 2015 Tuscany Heights Box Tops contest, let's SYNERGIZE! We cannot wait to see how much we can earn for our incredible school in 2015-2016, it's a WIN-WIN! *Think of all the Ziploc bags you will use next year – stock up now! Buy a few for your teachers! #boxtopwin
Leftover School Supplies Collection, May29th-June 5th! Donate all leftover school supplies to HOPE Ministry to be given to schools and orphanages that cannot afford them. They take everything, so drop off all items in one of the designated boxes in the rotunda area. Thank you Tigers for sharpening the saw for others in need!
Off and Running – RFTH 2016!
Yes, school is almost out and summer is right around the corner!! Your THE PTA is busy over the summer getting ready for the 2015-2016 school year programs and events. If you would like to get more involved this next school year, please consider our 6th Annual Run For The Heights. There are a variety of volunteer opportunities starting now leading up to the big event. Opportunities also vary in talents, interests, and time. Please contact Jennifer Bissen at[email protected] to see where you can help out! Not only are you helping our school and the community, your children will love the idea of you helping and even seeing you around campus!!
Check out the website to view event details or photos from this year.
2016 Run for the Heights #Hashtag Contest!!
Looking for something fun to do over the summer break? How about create THE EXCLUSIVE Run for the Heights #hashtag
Entries due by 2:40pm on Friday, September 4, 2015
Contest Details:
#Come up with a hash tag to be used on all Run for the Heights t-shirts, advertising and social media.
#A panel of judges will select one winning hash tag to be revealed during morning announcements the week of 9/8/15
#Winning student will be featured on the THE Run for the Heights FB page and website. **Parent must sign NEISD media release to ALLOW student’s name and photo to be posted.**
#Winner will also receive 2 FREE 2016 Run for the Heights registrations!!
#All students K-5 are eligible, one entry per student.
For more information see the attached flyer or contact [email protected]
Volunteers Needed: Help Our 5th Graders ROAR!
The Tuscany Heights 5th Grade Pool Party is coming up on Monday, June 1st from 9:30 am - 1:30 pm at the Gold's Gym Rogers Ranch swimming pool and we need the fifth grade parents' help! Please sign-up to either volunteer and/or attend before Monday, May 18th, and we will have your pre-printed Raptor badge at the party when you arrive. You can sign-up to volunteer for the entire event or for just a portion of it. If you are not able to commit to volunteering, you may attend the event as a chaperon and signing up for the "Attending RSVP (not able to volunteer)" spot. Whether you are volunteering or only attending, be sure you have completed the NEISD Volunteer Criminal History Check. If you have any questions about volunteering, please contact Kim House, T.H.E. 5th Grade Party Volunteer Coordinator, at [email protected]. To sign-up in Volunteer Spot please follow this link: http://vols.pt/Zy8ws4
Want to get involved? With the election of our new PTA officers, we are filling chair positions for 2015-16. If you would like more information or have any questions about any of the volunteer opportunities please don’t hesitate to ask. I’d be happy to visit with you.
Alana Harris, PTA President [email protected]
Plug in with PTA and Back the Future!
THE PTA Website www.tuscanyheightspta.org
Tuscany Heights Volunteers Link http://www.volunteerspot.com/group/35885320036

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