Please take a look at the calendar as a few dates have changed. Just a few reminders as we wrap up the 2014-2015 school:
Please help keep our students safe during arrival and drop off time because this is the time of day when we have the most movement with our students and with vehicles. We appreciate your help looking out for them!
If you would like to share your thoughts about your child’s placement, please remember to use the forms that went out this past week. I do ask that you not burden our teachers with the pressure of trying to give a specific teacher to your child because we have so many other factors to consider: Student programming, student-teacher characteristics, staff changes, etc. Thank you for taking time to use the form to support your feelings. We will take our time in making final decisions but now is a great time to give feedback.
As always, we love that you share your students with us and have loved watching them grow this year!
Thank you,
Tara Bailey
Upcoming Dates
Monday, May 18th: National Animal Therapy Day- Wear your favorite shirt with an animal on it!
Some of our Speech and Destination Imagination Club Students have baked homemade pet treats in honor of this special day. If your children wish to share a donation, they will be in the rotunda passing out treats to anyone interested.
Tuesday, May 19th (Madison High School) and Wednesday, May 20th (Churchill High School): NEISD Community Facility Maintenance Meeting
Tuesday, May 19th: All Library Books are due
Wednesday, May 20th: 5th Grade visits Middle Schools
District Track & Field Meet
Thursday, May 21st: Battle of the Books, 3rd Grade 8:15 a.m. Cafeteria
Battle of the Books, 4th Grade, Wetmore Elementary 5:30pm
Friday, May 22nd:
Tiger Tracks in PE Class (See PTA News & Attached Flyer)
Monday, May 25th: Memorial Day Holiday
Tuesday, May 26th- Friday, May 29th: Kinder Poetry Picnic Days
Wednesday, May 27th: History in Person Theater 4th (8:15a.m.) and 5th grade (10:30a.m.)
Monday, June 1st: 5th Grade Pool Party/Gold’s Gym
Thursday, June 4th: 5th Grade Graduation Ceremony 8:30am-10am
Last Day of School for Students
Community Events:
Synchronized Swimming Camp
Roan Forest Summer Rec Programs- Flyer Attached
PTA News
Volunteers Needed: Help Our 5th Graders ROAR! The Tuscany Heights 5th Grade Pool Party is coming up on Monday, June 1st from 9:30 am - 1:30 pm at the Gold's Gym Rogers Ranch swimming pool and we need the fifth grade parents' help! Please sign-up to either volunteer and/or attend before Monday, May 18th, and we will have your pre-printed Raptor badge at the party when you arrive. You can sign-up to volunteer for the entire event or for just a portion of it. If you are not able to commit to volunteering, you may attend the event as a chaperon and signing up for the "Attending RSVP (not able to volunteer)" spot. Whether you are volunteering or only attending, be sure you have completed the NEISD Volunteer Criminal History Check. If you have any questions about volunteering, please contact Kim House, T.H.E. 5th Grade Party Volunteer Coordinator, at [email protected]. To sign-up in Volunteer Spot please follow this link:
Our Tigers are Making Tracks! - Parents, come join your student on Friday, May 22 during their PE Class for Tiger Tracks! Students and their families will run/walk laps to earn rewards. The class in each grade with the most family participation will earn new recess equipment! The attached flyer has all the details and the class schedule. If you can volunteer before/after your child's class period, sign up on Volunteer Spot. More (updated) info is available on our PTA website. Thank you for supporting your healthy Tigers!
It's that time of year when we put away our winter clothes and get ready for spring...BUT where is YOUR child's winter jacket/sweater/hoodie??? Check out THE's LOST and FOUND! We have MANY items waiting to be claimed, please help us find their homes. At the end of the semester, all unclaimed items will be donated.
Also, please label your child's clothing and other items so if they find their way to the LOST and FOUND, we can try to get them back to you. It’s a Win-Win! Thank you!!!
Want to get involved? With the election of our new PTA officers, we are filling chair positions for 2015-16. If you would like more information or have any questions about any of the volunteer opportunities please don’t hesitate to ask. I’d be happy to visit with you.
Alana Harris, PTA President [email protected]
Plug in with PTA and Back the Future!
THE PTA Website
Tuscany Heights Volunteers Link
Camp Flier Synchro 2015
Camp Flyer Synchro 2015
2015 Summer Rec form