Wow, what a fantastic SHOWCASE of our students this past week! If your child participated in the District PE Showcase, please know how proud we are of them. I was proud to be THE’s principal. Our students did a wonderful job showing off their talents and promoting fitness.
We hope that our students, staff, and families enjoy time SYNERGIZING and SHARPENING THEIR SAWS this Spring Break! We have had a busy, fun-filled, learning experience so far this year. We look forward to diving into the end of March once we return. There are still many things to learn and events to challenge us!
Upcoming Events
Tuesday a March 9th- 13th: Spring Break/ No School
March 17th & 18th: PTA Presents Eat for a Cause at Chili’s- Flyer Attached
March 19th: Heroes for Health Presentation (Guest Speakers Focusing on Fitness)
10:00 AM – 10:20 AM
Kinder, 3rd, 4th
Lawrence Saiz (police)
1:00 PM – 1:20 PM
1st, 2nd, 5th
Alton Johnson (military)
April 7th: Kinder Round-Up (More info coming); Let your friends and neighbors know if they will have a Kindergartener starting next year. We will host an informative meeting in April.
April 10th-12th: NEISD Used Book Sale- If 25% of our school participates, Mrs. Bailey and Mrs. McCurry will dress like THING 1, THING 2. We want to help promote donations in an effort to raise money for NEISD and receive contributions back for our campus.
PTA News
Save the Date – Eat for a Cause
Tuesday, March 17 and Wednesday, March 18
Let Chili’s do the cooking while we support Tuscany Heights PTA at the same time. With each flyer presented Chili’s will donate 15% of the event days’ sales back to our great organization! We look forward to our Tiger families having dinner together! Flyers will go home the week of the event!
T.H.E. PTA Presents … MAGIK THEATRE (newsletter omission)
The Magik theatre on the road team brought experience and an exciting personal touch to each of the Tuscany Heights students on February 6th. The experience started for our students when they entered the cafeteria and discovered a real theatre inside their school.
This time Magik Theatre brought two different shows, the first show called Rumpelstilskin and the second one called Dr. Krashunbang. The first show was presented for kinder, first and second graders and the second show for third, fourth and fifth graders. Introducing students to the process of creating a work of performing art, the actors gave great, fun and creative shows.
Rumpelstilskin began when the king has locked Gabby in a straw-filled room, with orders to spin gold or lose her head! When a crafty man with a secret name offers to help, Gabby makes him a promise she isn’t prepared to keep. Now Gabby has three days to guess the man’s name. What students take away from watching this wonderful performance is that you never make any promises that you are not prepare to keep.
Dr. Krashundbang is an interactive one-man show that seamlessly blends science and theatre into an exhilarating lesson through experimentation and humor. With his exciting and mostly harmless experiments Dr. Krashundbang demonstrated the scientific method and brought the physical science to Tuscany Heights. The kids had so much fun and also they could reinforce what they have been learning through the year.
Throughout the shows, the students had a great time laughing and learning at the same time. We believe that the type of shows that we have been able to bring to Tuscany Heights have been great for our kids because they have helped awaken their love for writing, drawing, performing, sculpting, dancing, composing, and creating; all integral parts of a well - rounded individual.
NEISD Used Book Sale Donation Drive
The NEISD Used Book Sale is coming up the weekend of April 10th - 12th. Tuscany Heights PTA will be collecting books throughout the month of March (which also happens to be the month that Dr. Seuss was born back in 1904!). Every child who donates will be given a Dr. Seuss spirit stick. The top 20 donators in the school will be given a gift certificate to the Scholastic Book Fair in May. If we can reach a school-wide participation goal of 25%, Mrs. Bailey and Mrs. McCurry have agreed to spend a day dressed as Thing 1 and Thing 2. So help us reach our goals, and clean off those bookshelves! Watch for a flyer to come home with your child with the details.
Driving Education to the Top Award – Kidsville News
It is that time of the year when we are looking for teacher nominations for the Driving Education To The Top Award sponsored by Alamo Toyota. The first place teacher will receive a field trip for his or her class and $1,000 for the teacher. The more creative one gets or the more we hear about a teacher from students and parents, to even nominations from Principals, the more of an impact it makes for a teacher to stand out. Kidsville News will be recognizing an additional 5 teachers who will receive a plaque, recognition in Kidsville News and some wonderful gifts. This is the third year of this great teacher recognition program. The deadline is March 31. See attached form for nominations that can be passed on. - Gina Barbera, Kidsville News
5th grade students – 5th grade spirit is popping up all over campus. Don’t forget to make your mark by showing off your 5th grade spirit shirt on WILD Wednesday!
- Want an extra shirt?
- Don’t want to do laundry so often?
Winter Spirit Wear – Limited adult sizes are available in the office
Adult Long Sleeve Shirts - $20
Adult Hoodies - $27
PTA opportunities
If you’ve been waiting to settle in to the new school year before getting involved, or maybe you’re new to our campus, wait no longer! PTA could still use your help! We’re a fun, supportive group who love making a difference on our campus, and we’re looking for volunteers to fill the following chairs:
Cafeteria – Legislative Action
We’re also looking for a volunteer to help with Spring pictures in April. An officer interest form e-blast for 2015-16 was recently sent out to our Tuscany families. If you would like more information or have any questions about any of the volunteer opportunities please don’t hesitate to ask. I’d be happy to visit with you.
Alana Harris, PTA President [email protected]
Plug in with PTA and Back the Future!
THE PTA Website
Tuscany Heights Volunteers Link
Chilis Eat for a Cause
Parking Overhead View
History Faire Brochure