Parents and Students,
We’ve had a great two weeks of school! We loved celebrating our Leadership Pep Rally with all that could attend. We will continue striving to provide leadership opportunities for all students.
We also enjoyed having all of the grandparents here this past Friday! What a wonderful group of people to honor!
As we move into the school year, please keep in mind we are striving for 98% attendance rate for students and staff, 10% increase in performance with student groups, and 100% of our students understanding and applying leadership skills. We appreciate your help meeting our goals!
We, THE Tigers, will be inspired to lead, honor, and excel today!
Thank you,
Tara Bailey
Upcoming Events
International DOT Day
All staff, students, and parents are encouraged to wear polka dots or circles on Sept. 15th. This day is based on the children’s book, The Dot by Peter H. Reynolds. It encourages children to make their “mark” in the world. Help us support our students making their mark.
Sept. 9th: Volunteer Coffee (More info below in the PTA section)
Sept. 11th: Calling all 5th Grade Parents – We’d love to have you on the PTA 5th Grade Activities Committee (More info below in the PTA section)
Sept. 12th: Library Volunteer Orientation; Directory Deadlines (More info below in the PTA section);
Sept. 15th: International Dot Day
Sept. 17th- Sept. 30th: Box Tops
Sept. 18th: WatchDOGS Breakfast (More info below in the PTA section)
National Respect Day
Sept. 25th: Fall Pictures
Oct. 2nd: PTA Presents Nathan Hale Author Visit
Oct. 3rd: World’s Teacher Day: Professional Dress
Oct. 6th: National Blue Shirt Day for Bullying -WEAR YOUR BLUE SHIRTS
Oct. 7th: PTA General Mtg/Wellness Night
Oct. 10th: Early Dismissal
Oct. 13th: Professional Development Day
Oct. 16th: PTA Presents: EB Lewis Author Visit
Oct. 14th: 3rd, 4th, 5th Reading Benchmark
Oct. 15th: 3rd, 4th, 5th Math Benchmark
Oct. 16th: 4th writing Benchmark
Oct. 17th: World Student Day
Oct. 20th- Oct. 24th: Red Ribbon Week
Oct. 20th: Red Ribbon Week
Oct. 24th: Wear It Pink Day!
Oct. 24th: Bike Rodeo
Oct. 24th: End of 1st Nine Weeks
PTA Information
Tuscany Heights Loves Our Volunteers! To kick the year off right, please join us Tuesday, 9/9 at 10 am for the Volunteer Coffee Orientation in the Library. We will make sure you have all the information you need to make volunteering at Tuscany a great experience. Whether you are volunteering for the first time or have been volunteering at Tuscany for years, please join us to hear the latest volunteer scoop and to meet our new volunteers.
5th Grade Activities!
All 5th grade parents please come be part of the 5th Grade Activities Committee! We have an exciting year to prepare for your child’s last year at Tuscany Heights. We need parents to help with t-shirt design and distribution, end of year party planning, and gifts for the students and school. Join us Thursday, 9/11th at 9am in the PTA room in the 5th grade wing. Please email any questions to [email protected].
Library Volunteer Orientation - If you are interest in volunteering in the library this year, or just want to find out more about it, please join us on Friday, 9/12 at 9am in the library. You will have a chance to meet our librarian Mrs. Johnson, see where everything is located in the library, and get a quick overview of the system (it’s easy, I promise!) If you are unable to attend but still interested in volunteering this year, please email Kim House at [email protected] to sign up for a shift.
WATCH D.O.G.S. – Doughnuts with Dads!
Calling all Watch D.O.G.S!
Paws for a minute and join us for Doughnuts with Dads, an informative meeting about serving as a Hero of the Hallway at Tuscany Heights! We'll meet in the library on 9/18 from 7:15-7:45. Come learn about the program and schedule your dates to be a Watch DOG on campus! Look for a flyer and order form for t-shirts going home soon. Deadline for t-shirt orders is Sept 26 with checks made payable to T. H. E.
BOX TOPS – OUR FALL BOX TOPS CONTEST IS QUICKLY APPROACHING! Get 100 Bonus Box Tops when you buy 15 participating Box Tops for Education products in a single shopping trip between 9/17/14 and 9/30/14. Get 60 Bonus Box Tops when you buy 10 participating Box Tops for Education products in a single shopping trip between 9/17/14 and 9/30/14.
REFLECTIONS – The World Would be a Better Place if … is the 2014-15 Reflections theme. Reflect on the theme. Create an original work. Be recognized! Categories include music composition, dance choreography, photography, film production, visual arts, and literature. Deadline for entries is October 20. For more information, rules, and student entry forms go to or visit THE library for a printed version.
DIRECTORY - Include Your Child in Our 2014-2015 Tuscany Heights Student Directory
The PTA produces a directory to keep parents “in the know” and help our children stay in touch with their friends. Include only the information you would like to share. Address, phone, e-mail… No purchase necessary to be included.
Please add your child’s information on our website under Welcome Back at or on the attached form to have them listed in the directory. If you already purchased your Directory on the Welcome Back form, you don’t need to buy another one – just give us the information you want included. The deadline for inclusion is Friday, September 12. It will only take a minute!
Also on the website & backpack flyers --
* Purchase a directory for only $6
* Purchase Business Ads – a great way to reach our community!
* Tributes and Shout Outs – fun ways to show your kids how proud you are of them. Starting at $10. Deadline to order is Friday, 9/12/14.
* Art Contest News – Theme is "Watch Tigers Synergize". Art entries will be due Friday, 9/12/14. Don’t miss out on a spirit stick and a chance for your child’s art to be published! Questions? ?Email [email protected] or call Jennifer Bissen at 214-529-9524. THE PTA Website Tuscany Heights Volunteers Link
Directory Data Request Flyer
Reflections Flyer