January 19, 2014
It was a great week! Congratulations to all of our spelling bee contestants. We are super proud of all of them. Our top three spellers are: Sweny Maredia, Kailee Meek, and Gina Yu.
Once again, help us welcome Mrs. Bobbi Turnbo to Tuscany Heights Elementary in February. She will be my principal substitute while I am out on maternity leave. I expect that this will take place some time between Feb. 12th-19th. She is excited to be here with us and we are truly appreciative that we get to have her here. She comes with much experience and expertise!
Don’t forget to sign up for REMIND 101!
This year I'm using Remind101, a safe app that allows me to send text and email updates about important school information. To sign up to get messages about Tuscany Heights Ele Parents, click here.
Thank you,
Tara Bailey
Upcoming Events
Jan. 14th - 3rd Grade GT Field Trip
Jan. 20th - Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Day - Holiday, NO SCHOOL
Jan. 26th - Stone Oak Park Clean-up: Earn your service hours!!!!
Jan. 27th - Feb. 1st – Conversation Heart Sales
Jan. 29th and 30th — During the instructional day, Course Selection for 5th graders attending Bush and Tejeda Middle Schools (This is tentative, and confirmation will come soon!)
29th: Schlosser 8:00a.m. 30th: Morrow 8:00a.m.
Davis 9:00a.m. Hesles 9:00a.m.
Johle 10:30a.m. Blackler 10:30a.m.
Rodriguez 11:15
Jan. 29th and 30th -- “MVL” Most Valuable Leader, Leadership Nights
K-2- Jan. 29th
3-5- Jan. 30th
5th Graders will have an opportunity to see the Course Selection for Middle School this night as well. 5pm
Jan. 31st - RFTH Class Contest Ends
Feb. 3rd - Feb. 14th- Ronald McDonald Heart Sales
Feb. 5th - 100th Day of School
Feb. 22nd – Run for the Heights 5K/Fun Run
PTA News - Click here for THE PTA website and latest news!
Stone Oak Park Clean Up Day for all Tuscany students, Sunday, Jan. 26th, 1-3 PM: We adopted Stone Oak Park and now our students have an opportunity to earn service hours by helping pick up litter. We have 25 spots available, so please RSVP to our Community Service Chair, Juli Campbell,[email protected]. We will provide water, a light snack, and a fun contest to see who finds the most interesting "trash" item!
It's time to get ready for the 4th Annual Run for the Heights, 5K Run/Walk, Kids' Fun Run and Health Fair, scheduled for Saturday, February 22, 2014. You can register on-line athttp://runfortheheights.tuscanyheightspta.org or click here to download the registration form. Get your family, friends, and neighbors to register for the run and your THE student and their class can win fun and healthy rewards! Make sure the registrant indicates they heard about the run from your THE student. Prizes include: extra recess; the Tusky 50 Yard Dash vs. THE Celebrities & Students; an Orange Leaf Yogurt party; and an awesome party at Flip City! The class contest starts now and runs through January 31. Start now by asking your family, friends and neighbors to register for the 2014 Run for the Heights and get rewarded!
Thinking about doing a little spring cleaning? In early March we will begin collecting books for the annual NEISD Used Book Sale. This is a district wide event that raises money for our school. The more books we donate to the sale, the more money we bring home to Tuscany Heights! So if you have old books that your family no longer needs, please hold on to them for a little longer.
OverDrive: eBooks and Audiobooks from the North East Digital
Library at Your Fingertips!
- All you need to borrow digital titles from NEISD’s digital library is an internet connection and your student’s ID number.
- On any Internet connected device with a browser, go directly to NEISD’s digital library by visitinghttp://neisd.lib.overdrive.com
- Use your student’s ID to login and begin borrowing titles with one click!
- For additional information please review the OverDrive student handout (sent home November 22nd) and/or visithttp://help.overdrive.com/?Sup=http://neisd.lib.overdrive.com/Support.htm