We are in the final days of the 2013-2014 School Year! It has been a great one! I am so appreciative of each and every staff member, student, and parent for the investment they’ve made to make Tuscany Heights Elementary a great place. Thank you! I look forward to having a great time ending this school year with your families!
Tara Bailey
May 27th - Poetry Picnic, Mrs. Shelby
May 28th - Sam Houston Presentation (4th Grade)
May 29th - Poetry Picnic, Mrs. Chapman
May 30th - Poetry Picnic, Mrs. Cervenka
June 3rd - Storytelling with Sue Kuentz (K-3)
June 3rd - 5th Grade Field Trip (Tejeda Middle School Play)
June 4th - WatchDOGS Appreciation Breakfast 7:30a.m.
June 5th - End of the Year Parties/ Last Day of School
8:15 - 9:30 5th Grade Awards
9:40 - 10:40 Kinder Parties
10:00 - 11:00 4th Grade Parties
11:45 - 12:45 2nd Grade Parties
(Blacktop & Field)
12:30 - 1:30 3rd Grade Parties
(Blacktop & Field)
12:45 - 1:45 1st Grade Parties
Watch DOGS Appreciation Breakfast
Attention Watch DOGS!! The PTA will sponsor an appreciation breakfast for all of your hard work and precious time spent as a Watch DOG on Wednesday, 4 June at 7:30 AM in the school library. Your children are welcome to join you!
If you have volunteered for at least one day serving as a Watch DOG this school year and would like to attend,please RSVP to [email protected], and please include the total number of family members that will attend (Watch DOG dads and their Tuscany Heights students only).
We require an accurate head count in order to provide enough breakfast tacos and doughnuts to feed our Heroes of the Hallway and their children!
Thank you for a great year!
PTA NEWS - Click here for THE PTA website and latest news!
Special PTA General Meeting, Wednesday, June 4th, 8:30-9:15 AM, Library: Please join us for our very last PTA meeting of the school year. We will be showing our T.H.E. PTA End of Year video that highlights all the accomplishments and fun of this past school year. Come and celebrate another successful year at Tuscany. This will be the only showing, so don't miss it! We will vote briefly on our amended budget.
Order your EPI School Supply Packs for the 2014-2015 school year! The packs will be ready and waiting in your student's classroom on Meet The Teacher nights in August. Online ordering will be available until June 15th. Click here to view the flyer.
Join T.H.E. PTA Executive Board for 2014-2015: PTA is already planning for another great year at Tuscany! We have many committee chairs open for next year: Spirit, Campus Beautification; Hospitality, Lost & Found, Lunchroom; Special Education Liaison; Veteran's Day; Bulletin Board/Display Case; Legislative Action; Community Service Assistant; and Directory. We would love to have new parents involved. Please consider serving as a chair on our PTA Executive Board. For more info, please contact, Alana Harris, [email protected]