February 2, 2014
What a great week! I love showcasing our student leaders and our staff did a wonderful job preparing the Most Valuable Leader Nights. I am super proud to be part of such a great school. Thank you Staff, Students, and Parents involved!
Dr. Bobbi Turnbo will begin as the T.H.E. Principal Substitute on February 12, 2014. She is excited to be here with us and we are truly appreciative that we get to have her here. She comes with much experience and expertise! My family will welcome our newest member, Kynleigh Smith Bailey on February 13th, and I will be out for around 8 weeks. I plan to return in April.
Thank you,
Tara Bailey
Upcoming Events
North East ISD would like to invite you to learn about the Transforming the Future strategic plan. You may have participated in an educational summit or focus group meeting, which helped to inform the planning process. Through a series of events at each high school, Superintendent Brian Gottardy will present the Transforming the Future plan along with community members who participated in the process.
Reagan Cluster - Feb. 13th 6:00-7:15*
*Our staff will be attending this night, Feb. 13th.
Johnson Cluster - Feb. 18th 6:00-7:15
Feb. 3rd - Feb. 14th - Ronald McDonald Heart Sales
Feb. 4th - 5th Grade Spinal Screening
~ PTA Mtg / 3rd Grade Performance
Feb. 5th - 100th Day of School
Feb. 7th - The Majik Theatre - Jack and the Beanstalk
Feb. 13th - Author Visit- Aaron Reynolds
~ Reagan Cluster Transformation Mtg for Staff and Parents
Feb. 15th - PTA T.H.E. Clean Up Day 10a.m. - 12p.m.
Feb. 17th - SNOW DAY MAKE-UP (School will be in session!)
~ TATU 5th Grade Presentation by Reagan HS Winner’s circle 8:00a.m.
Feb. 22nd – Run for the Heights 5K/Fun Run
Feb. 25th, 26th, & 27th - Early Dismissal at 12:40pm for all students
~ Student Led Conferences Held K-5
March 3rd - Read Across America - Dr. Seuss’ Birthday
March 4th - Tooth Fairy Visits Kinder - 2nd
March 10th - 14th - Spring Break
March 17th - April 3rd - PTA Used Book Sale (More Info to Come)
Important Information
With recent accidents in our NEISD area, I would like to call your attention to the school zone as well as the areas just behind our school. We have many walkers that travel to/from school. Please be mindful of your speed, use of cell phones (cell phones prohibited in the school zone when light is flashing), and the cross streets. We have crosswalks within our school zone; however, there are some areas our students cross just behind the school zone I wish to ask for you to take extreme caution. For example, corner of Mountain Lodge and Wilderness. We have many students that cross Mountain Lodge to continue along the sidewalk to access their neighbors from Wilderness Oak side, so please be mindful of this intersection and our students. We will discuss walker safety with them, but want to reach out to our parents to help as well! Thank you for taking good care of your children, our students, and our community children.
T.H.E. Volunteer Opportunity
Hey Tigers! We have a great opportunity for you to earn volunteer hours while helping out T.H.E. As you know, our annual PTA Run for the Heights is on Saturday, February 22, 2014! We want to be sure our campus looks beautiful for everyone who comes out. On Saturday, February 15 from 10am to 12pm we will have a campus clean up. Our goal is to pick up litter, pull weeds, and to plant flowers and decorate the campus. Light refreshments and trash bags will be provided. It would be helpful for those participating to bring their own gloves and gardening tools. We ask that parents plan to stay as we will not be able to closely watch the students as they spread out around the campus. See you there!
PTA News - Click here for THE PTA website and latest news!
Run for the Heights CLASS CONTEST EXTENDED UNTIL WEDNESDAY, 2/5: Our 4th Annual Run for the Heights, 5K Run/Walk, Kids' Fun Run and Health Fair, is scheduled for Saturday, February 22, 2014. You can register on-line at http://runfortheheights.tuscanyheightspta.org or click here to download the registration form. Get your family, friends, and neighbors to register for the run and your THE student and their class can win fun and healthy rewards! Make sure the registrant indicates they heard about the run from your THE student. Prizes include: extra recess; the Tusky 50 Yard Dash vs. THE Celebrities & Students; an Orange Leaf Yogurt party; and an awesome party at Flip City! The class contest starts now and runs through February 5th. Start now by asking your family, friends and neighbors to register for the 2014 Run for the Heights and get rewarded!
Don't miss the HEB Bonus Box Tops Promo, now-Tuesday, 2/4: This is an easy way to earn money for our school! For every 10 Box Tops for Education products purchased at HEB January 22nd - February 4th, you will receive 60 Bonus Box Tops. That is $6 extra! Be shopping for products that have Box Tops for Education during this time to get your Bonus Box Tops printed right at the register.Bring your completed Box Tops collection sheets to the Rotunda before the start of school February 10th - 14th and select a prize. At least one sheet of 25 Box Tops is needed to select a prize. Special prizes for those who collect 150 or more Box Tops...while supplies last! For more info visit: www.tuscanyheightspta.org.
THE PTA General Meeting, Tuesday, 2/4, 6:30 PM, Cafeteria:Join us for our General PTA meeting and see our terrific third graders rock the schoolhouse!
Run for the Heights Volunteer Meeting, Wednesday, 2/5, Room 216, 10 AM: You are invited to our volunteer meeting to find out about opportunities to help with Run for the Heights, our major fundraiser. There are many volunteer spots available before the race and on race day, 2/22! For more info, contact Donna Oyler, [email protected].
THE PTA Presents…The Majik Theatre-Jack and the Beanstalk, Friday, 2/7: Magik Theatre On the Road is bringing a fun and lively performance of Jack and the Beanstalkt o our campus on Friday. K, 1st, & 4th will be attending at 8 AM and 2nd, 3rd, & 5th will attending at 9:30 AM.
Earn Service Hours and help clean up our campus, Saturday, 2/15, 10-12 PM: Let's clean up our campus and get ready for Run for the Heights. Meet in the front of the school to help pick up trash, pull weeds, and plant flowers. Trash bags and light refreshments will be provided. Bring your own gloves and gardening tools-all students must have a parent present.