January 12, 2014
In the coming month, I will be out on maternity leave. I am enjoying time being back with the students and plan to be back before STAAR Assessments in April. In the meantime, please help me welcome former NEISD Principal, Mrs. Turnbo, to our campus as T.H.E.'s Principal Substitute. I will be working with her in the next few weeks preparing for leave. More info to come regarding Mrs. Turnbo and contacting her when I leave.
Don’t forget to sign up for REMIND 101!
This year I'm using Remind101, a safe app that allows me to send text and email updates about important school information. To sign up to get messages about Tuscany Heights Ele Parents, click here.
Also, in an effort to support our students and their future, we want a list of the top student college choices to use on a Covey Leadership Bulletin Board. Have your child text in ther choice using this survey...
TEXT 338521 and the university of your choice to 22333
Thank you,
Tara Bailey
Upcoming Events
Jan. 14th - 3rd Grade GT Field Trip
Jan. 15th - Club/Special Group Pictures (Morning)
Jan. 16th - Class Pictures (Morning)
Jan. 17th - Oral Spelling Bee
Jan. 19th - SPURS Night- 4th Annual RFTH (Run for the Heights)
Jan. 20th - Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Day - Holiday, NO SCHOOL
Jan. 27th - Feb. 1st – Conversation Heart Sales
Jan. 31st - RFTH Class Contest Ends
Feb. 3rd - Feb. 14th- Ronald McDonald Heart Sales
Feb. 5th - 100th Day of School
Feb. 22nd – Run for the Heights 5K/Fun Run
PTA News - Click here for THE PTA website and latest news!
Volunteer opportunity for all Tuscany students, Thursday, Jan. 16th, at 2:40 PM: Earn service hours by helping to collect and sort the books donated to Sister School, East Terrell Hills, from our 2nd Annual Me-2-U Collection. We will be meeting in the library on Thursday after school. We ask that each child has a parent present to help. Please RSVP to our Community Service Chair, Juli Campbell, [email protected].
LAST CHANCE!!! 4th Annual Run for the Heights Night with the Spurs, January 19, 2014: Join Tuscany families, Tusky, and the Spurs Coyote for a night of fun at the AT&T Center and support our major fundraiser, Run for the Heights! Get a pre-game court side experience; post-game photo and free throw; and hot dog, chips, and soda-all for $28! An order form was sent home in backpacks or click here for order form. Forms must be turned in to the office on Monday, Jan.13th, by the end of the day.
It's time to get ready for the 4th Annual Run for the Heights, 5K Run/Walk, Kids' Fun Run and Health Fair, scheduled for Saturday, February 22, 2014. You can register on-line at http://runfortheheights.tuscanyheightspta.org or click here to download the registration form. Get your family, friends, and neighbors to register for the run and your THE student and their class can win fun and healthy rewards! Make sure the registrant indicates they heard about the run from your THE student. Prizes include: extra recess; the Tusky 50 Yard Dash vs. THE Celebrities & Students; an Orange Leaf Yogurt party; and an awesome party at Flip City! The class contest starts now and runs through January 31. Start now by asking your family, friends and neighbors to register for the 2014 Run for the Heights and get rewarded!
We were the top NEISD elementary school in December using Overdrive! NEISD posted the info on
their Facebook page!
Way to go students, teachers, and Mrs. Johnson for getting the word out there!
OverDrive: eBooks and Audiobooks from the North East Digital
Library at Your Fingertips!
- All you need to borrow digital titles from NEISD’s digital library is an internet connection and your student’s ID number.
- On any Internet connected device with a browser, go directly to NEISD’s digital library by visiting http://neisd.lib.overdrive.com
- Use your student’s ID to login and begin borrowing titles with one click!
- For additional information please review the OverDrive student handout (sent home November 22nd) and/or visit http://help.overdrive.com/?Sup=http://neisd.lib.overdrive.com/Support.htm