October 6, 2013
Thank you for your support this week with our book fair! It was great to see so many families participate in supporting our school while promoting a love for reading. We appreciate all of the great volunteers that took time to be here to help us, thank you!
We would also like to say thank you for a great 4th grade PTA Performance this past week. It was great cheering for our school alongside of our 4th graders!
We look forward to a great October!
Thank you,
Tara Bailey
Upcoming Events
October 14th Student Holiday/No School for Students
Professional/ Staff Development for Staff
October 15th, 16th, & 17th Benchmark Assessments 3rd- 5th Grade
October 18th 5th Grade Field Trip to Reagan High School
October 19th Paint the Parkway Pink Race (Community Event if interested)
October 21st- 25th Red Ribbon Week
October 22nd Picture Retake Day
October 25th Bike Rodeo
End of the 1st Nine Weeks
October 28th- Nov. 1st Turkey Grams
October 31st “Orange” You Glad You Are A Tiger?
Wear your orange spirit shirt or any orange shirt with jeans
Nov. 1st Field Day
Nov. 5th, 6th, & 7th Early Dismissal Days 12:40pm
Nov. 7th Read Around the School/ Character Parade
Helpful Information
Transforming the Future of NEISD - Dr. Gottardy is encouraging us to provide feedback to the district regarding transformation. Please take a moment to give your thoughts to our district. The survey is online until October 10th. He hopes to reach 2,500 responses. Thank you for helping us “TRANSFORM” our classrooms. The link is below:
The survey is available in English and in Spanish athttp://www.neisd.net/transforming-the-future/.
Clinic Reminders - Students are not allowed to carry medication to or from school; nor are the students to have it on them while at school, including cough drops. If your child needs any medication, please stop by the clinic to ensure the proper steps are taken.
Please notify the clinic if your child is diagnosed with a contagious illness like strep throat, etc.
PTA News
Congrats to our Box Tops Class Winners: These classes win a kickball game with Mrs. Bailey and Mr. Rafajko on Oct. 18th! K- Cervenka; 1st-Schmid; 2nd-Branch; 3rd-Kramer; 4th-Forsyth; and 5th-Blackler. Thank you all for your donations-we earned $2,400 for our school!
Last chance to Eat for a Cause at Orderup and support Tuscany Heights! Join other Tuscany families at Orderup in the Stone Ridge shopping center (281/Evans) and eat for a cause tonight, Sunday, Oct. 6th. Ask for your receipt, write "Tuscany Heights" on the back and drop it in the collections box. Orderup will donate 20% of your purchase back to the school!
Sign up to be a Hero of the Hallway! Dads, uncles, granddads, step-dads: There are many available days this school year for T.H.E. fathers to serve as a Watch DOG. If you have not been a Watch DOG yet, now is the time to sign up! If you served as a Watch DOG last year, please consider returning for another day! To view available days, click here. Contact the Watch D.O.G.S. coordinators at [email protected] to request information on how to sign up for your day of service. You will be able to view a presentation about the program, ask questions, order your official Watch D.O.G.S. t-shirt, then allow you to register and pick your day to be the "Hero of the Hallway." Please note that for the safety of our children and staff, you must complete the NEISD Criminal Background Check (a.k.a. "DPS Clearance") in order to volunteer. To begin the application, go to https://portal.neisd.net/vchrc/.
Believe, Dream, & Inspire -Texas PTA 2013 Reflections Art Contest entries due by Oct. 16th: Tuscany Heights would be honored to have our students interested in creating drawings, paintings, stories and other forms of art enter the 2013 Reflections Art Contest. Entry forms and rules are available in the school library and can also be found online by clicking here. Entries should be submitted in the Reflections box in the school library between October 1st and October 16th. All participants will receive a spirit stick and winners will move on to the NEISD Council for judging. Please contact Megan Ehrle at [email protected] with questions.
Nominate a worthy individual for a Life Member award: Those of you most involved are in a great position to know a parent, community member, teacher, or staff member who has gone above and beyond for the students in our community. Please nominate them for a Texas PTA Life Member award. Click here for the Life Member Nomination Form All nominations are due by October 28th. For more information, please contact Brooke Miller,[email protected].