International Dot Day TOMORROW- Students and parents, let’s wear polka dots and/or circles tomorrow (Monday, Sept. 15th) to celebrate making our mark at Tuscany Heights, our community, and in the world!At school, the students are working on their “dot” artwork and reading/hearing about the children’s book The Dot by Peter Reynolds.
On another note, I want to please ask that you talk to your students about safety in the mornings with arrival as well as dismissal. We have a few students crossing Wilderness Oak and Dunman Intersection prior to our crossing guards arriving at 7:15am to assist. I’ve had two reports that two young girls have almost been hit by a car. Please, please talk to your children if they are walkers in the morning. We ask that all parents and students not cross the street until 7:15 when a crossing guard is there to assist you with traffic. They are trained by law enforcement and can help ensure safety. *Staff are on duty at 7:15. If you drop off before 7:00a.m., please know that your children are not being supervised. At 7:00 a.m., I have an assistant in the rotunda to monitor early arrivers.
Also at this intersection, please take note that there are not double lanes that turn right and/or left into the building. We’ve had a few cars try this during the afternoons. You must be in the turn lane in order to make the turn, then you can use the 2nd lane to drive thru if you are not picking up a student from our car rider line.
After needing EMS this past week, I feel that it is imperative to leave a drive thru lane open in the event of an emergency with a staff member or student. I feel that our car rider has become efficient and effective with the help of staff, students, and parents.
Thank you for understanding our safety concerns!
Thank you,
Tara Bailey
Upcoming Events
Sept. 17th- Sept. 30th: Box Tops
Sept. 18th: WatchDOGS Breakfast (More info below in the PTA section)
National Respect Day
Sept. 25th: Fall Pictures
Oct. 2nd: PTA Presents Nathan Hale Author Visit
Oct. 3rd: World’s Teacher Day: Professional Dress
Oct. 6th: National Blue Shirt Day for Bullying -WEAR YOUR BLUE SHIRTS
If you don’t have a blue shirt, we will have some for sell (pre-order ONLY because our time is limited!). A form will go out Monday via eBlast, Website Order Form Available Monday, and in back packs on Monday. We will ask for these back by Thursday…so quick turn around. These are COMPLETELY OPTIONAL! No obligation! The only thing we ask is that you help us support Anti-Bullying that day by wearing BLUE: navy, light blue, royal blue, blue jeans, etc. because all will definitely work! It is about the message we are sending not the shirt!
Oct. 7th: PTA General Mtg/Wellness Night/AntiBullying (Guest Speaker)
Oct. 10th: Early Dismissal
Oct. 13th: Professional Development Day
Oct. 16th: PTA Presents: EB Lewis Author Visit
Oct. 14th: 3rd, 4th, 5th Reading Benchmark
Oct. 15th: 3rd, 4th, 5th Math Benchmark
Oct. 16th: 4th writing Benchmark
Oct. 17th: World Student Day
Oct. 20th- Oct. 24th: Red Ribbon Week
Oct. 20th: Red Ribbon Week
Oct. 24th: Wear It Pink Day!
Oct. 24th: Bike Rodeo
Oct. 24th: End of 1st Nine Weeks
PTA Information
WATCH D.O.G.S. – Doughnuts with Dads!
Calling all Watch D.O.G.S! Paws for a minute and join us for Doughnuts with Dads, an informative meeting about serving as a Hero of the Hallway at Tuscany Heights! We'll meet in the library on Thursday, 9/18 from 7:15-7:45. Come learn about the program and schedule your dates to be a Watch DOG on campus! Look for a flyer and order form for t-shirts that was sent home. Deadline for t-shirt orders is Sept 26 with checks made payable to T. H. E.
Run for the Heights! - There will be a volunteer committee meeting for the 5th Annual Run For The Heights on Thursday, 9/18 @ 10am in the PTA room in 5th grade hallway.
We will be outlining committee roles, timelines, and additional needs for volunteers & roles. If you are interested in helping out with Run For The Heights planning and preparation please come to the meeting or reach out to Jennifer Bissen @ [email protected] or (214) 529-9524.
THE PTA Presents …
PTA Greenbacks are Lighting the Way to Leadership and we need your help. We have a community-matching offer from Dell! If we can raise an additional $2000 in this push for Greenbacks we will receive a contribution from Dell for $3,000! Let’s make this happen!
We have reached our first goal of $2,500, so Tusky will be lighting up the announcements with a special dance to "Lights" by Ellie Goulding. We are well on our way towards our next goal of $7,500 and the students will get to have a Spirit Shirt and Pajama Pants Day on September 26, and get to bring a flashlight for a special reading time in class. If we reach $10,000 we will get Mrs. Bailey and Mrs. Hayden to light up the stage and perform a song selected by the student body. Watch for the flyer and donation envelope to come home with your student this week. Check with your company about matching gifts! Let's Light the Way to Leadership and get our principals on the stage!!
THE Volunteer Information: Thank you to all the volunteers who were able to attend the 9/9 Volunteer Coffee Orientation. If you were not able to make the meeting and would like more information about volunteering at Tuscany, please take a few minutes to review the meeting handout or presentation. Click here for the meeting handout, and click here for the meeting presentation. The meeting handout includes information on the NEISD Volunteer Criminal History Record Check, NEISD Volunteer Program Code of Conduct, different ways you can volunteer at Tuscany, our VolunteerSpot Group Page and how to log your volunteer hours worked outside or school hours or off campus. We appreciate all of our awesome volunteers!!!
BOX TOPS – OUR FALL BOX TOPS CONTEST IS QUICKLY APPROACHING! It's going to be SNOW much fun! Get 100 Bonus Box Tops when you buy 15 participating Box Tops for Education products in a single shopping trip between 9/17/14 and 9/30/14. Get 60 Bonus Box Tops when you buy 10 participating Box Tops for Education products in a single shopping trip between 9/17/14 and 9/30/14.
REFLECTIONS – The World Would be a Better Place if … is the 2014-15 Reflections theme. Reflect on the theme. Create an original work. Be recognized! Categories include music composition, dance choreography, photography, film production, visual arts, and literature. Deadline for entries is October 20. For more information, rules, and student entry forms go to or visit THE library for a printed version.
DIRECTORY - Include Your Child in Our 2014-2015 Tuscany Heights Student Directory
The PTA produces a directory to keep parents “in the know” and help our children stay in touch with their friends. LAST CHANCE TO BE INCLUDED! Buy your directory, shout-outs, and tributes! Send in your order forms Monday, September 15!
* Purchase Business Ads – a great way to reach our community! Businesses can submit a Directory Advertisement through Friday, September 19!
LOST AND FOUND – If you might be interested in serving as our Lost and Found Chair for PTA let us know! Items are starting to accumulate in the Lost and Found area. Please remember to label lunch boxes and water bottles! It may be a while before we are wearing jackets – but plan ahead and label. We want to make sure your items make their way back home.
Plug in with PTA and Back the Future!
Tuscany Heights Volunteers Link