We were so excited to have your children back on campus today! Happy New Year! Please help us kick off the new year with our annual Run for the Heights Fun Run. More details are listed below and the Spurs Flyer is attached. Hope to see all of you
at the game, January 18th!!!
Thank you,
Tara Bailey
3rd Annual Run for the Heights Spurs Night and Class Contests!
The race is on! The Run for the Heights Class Contest begins Monday, January 7th - Friday, February 1!
Work with your class to bring in race registrations and get rewarded! Classes that bring in 10 race registrations earn 10 minutes of extra recess. Classes that bring in 15 race registrations, get to watch the Tusky Celebrity 50 Yard Dash. Classes that bring in 20 race registrations earn a Bounce House during PE. The top 2 classes will win a party at Flip City! Rewards are cumulative so your class can win all these healthy rewards just by signing up your family, friends, and neighbors for Run for the Heights. THE student name needs to be entered on the paper or on-line registration after the question, "How did you hear about us?" Registrant checks "THE
Student" and enters your name. Progress will be posted weekly.
3rd Annual Tuscany Heights Spurs Night & Run for the Heights 5K Rally, Friday, January 18!
Come join Tusky, the Spurs Coyote, and your Tuscany Tiger friends on Friday, January 18th, at the AT&T Center to promote Run for the Heights and watch the Spurs game. Students will have special opportunities to have a pre-game courtside experience, walk on the court during halftime, and shoot a basket after the game. Plus, each ticket includes a hot dog, chips, and soda. The order form is attached and must be returned to school or faxed to the San Antonio Spurs by Monday, January 14. Once your order is processed, detailed information about the event will be e-mailed to you by January 17th. You don’t want to miss this fun and exciting
THE Spurs Night 2013