After the first week of school, I promise not to fill your emails with eBlasts from T.H.E. You will receive one a week on Sunday nights for the upcoming week. In the meantime, we are trying to communicate a few important events and reminders as the school year starts.
Sept. 3rd--- Labor Day Holiday/ No School
Sept. 4th--- Family Fun Night/PTA Mtg
Join us for a night of family, food, and fun! Purchase dinner from various food trucks, learn more about Watch D.O.G.S, buy spirit items, and have fun with other Tuscany families and staff! PTA meeting starts at 6:30 PM. ***SEE ATTACHED FLYER THAT WILL BE COMING HOME SOON***
Sept. 7th --- Grandparent's Day
Grandparent's Day---Please have them pre-register if possible. If not, we will RAPTOR them as they arrive or use sign-in sheets/visitor stickers as needed. Activities will be held in each teacher's classroom.
7:45 AM–2nd, 3rd, & 5th
8:45 AM-K, 1st, and 4th
Sept. 17th ---WatchD.O.G.S. Dad/Child Pizza Night
Watch DOGS Dads, uncles, grandads, step-dads--volunteer to be a Watch DOG for at least one day during this school year! Watch D.O.G.S. (Dads of Great Students) is an innovative program being launched this year which enables fathers and father-figures be a positive male role model and to provide an extra set of eyes and ears at Tuscany Heights. On Monday, Sept. 17th, from 5:00 – 7:00 pm we will be having our 1st annual ‘Dads and Kids’ Pizza Night. We will have a presentation about the program, answer questions, and then allow you to register and pick your day to be the "Hero of the Hallway." Simply go to <> to register with our PTA and RSVP, or email [email protected] stating that you will attend the pizza night. We desire to have an accurate head count for food and drinks as a large turnout is expected. See you then!
***CAR RIDERS turning into T.H.E., Officer Carnato has asked that I communicate that when he is directing traffic, all car riders should disregard the traffic light. He will let you know when to turn.
As always, I appreciate your support!
Tara Bailey
Click here to view the 2012-09-04 Family Fun Night Flyer