If you are wanting to walk your child to class tomorrow, you will be asked to provide proper identification and get a RAPTOR badge in the front office. This is the common practice throughout the school year. Over the last three days, we have made arrangements to monitor and assist parents with helping their students begin the school year. Thank you for your diligence in ensuring all students are safe!
If you feel that your child needs support getting to class, please let one of our staff members or a safety patrol student know at the time of drop off. We will assist them until they feel comfortable finding their way through the halls. Thank you for helping our students becoming leaders!
KINDER ORIENTATION- Thursday Night 6-7pm
Your child's kinder orientation will be held in your child's classroom. The teachers will cover the curriculum and answer any questions you may have at this time. In order to give parents adequate time and attention, we are requesting this event to be parents only. We want you to feel comfortable with the Kinder Curriculum Expectations.
On another note, today, if you received a translated eBlast from me (another language other than English), I do apologize. It seems that the system has record of the various languages enrolled at Tuscany. The computer program automatically translated my English message regarding the bus delays. I will look into how to address the concern as it seems it wasn't properly translated. All of my messages are written in English.
Have a wonderful night,
Tara Bailey