We hope that you enjoyed a three day weekend with your family!
CLOSED CAMPUS- Until 10:45 a.m.
Parents, our 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders will be testing this week; therefore, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday will be closed campus for assessment IN THE MORNING (until 10:45a.m.). Please plan lunch if you wish on Wednesday of this week or next week if after 10:45 doesn't work for you. Thank you for understanding!
Join us at BJ’s tonight for Eat for a Cause, 5-9pm. They will give 15% back to our school using the flyer. Some of our staff went for lunch today and already noticed some Tuscany Families there! Great! We can’t wait to see how well we do for T.H.E. Thank you in advance for supporting our school.
WEAR YOUR PTA Spirit Shirt Wednesday! Let’s show off our school mission statement.
October 15th, we are expecting a pre-visit from a Covey Leader to take a look at our school environment, talking to staff and students, and visiting classrooms. He will be giving us feedback as we move forward to become a lighthouse school. For us, we care more about the leadership we are building than the status and will continue to take as long as we need to, to ensure student leaders remains our focus. Thank you for all of your help supporting leadership and helping make our school look/feel great!
Safety Reminder: Cell phones are PROHIBITED in school zones! Also, all schools are TOBACCO FREE, so please no smoking.
Please be mindful of our school zone and the safety of all students, staff, and parents.
Thank you,
Tara Bailey
Upcoming Events
Oct. 13th: Professional Development Day/ Student Holiday
NEW Oct. 13th: Eat for a Cause: BJs
Oct. 14th: 3rd, 4th, 5th Math Benchmark
Oct. 15: Covey Specialist to Visit our Campus
Oct. 16th: 3rd, 4th, 5th Reading Benchmark; PTA Presents: EB Lewis Author Visit
Oct. 17th: Writing benchmark
Oct. 17th: World Student Day
Oct. 20th- Oct. 24th: Red Ribbon Week
NEW Oct. 20th-27th: THE’s Pumpkin Character Contest (Details Coming Soon from the Library)
Oct. 20th: Red Ribbon Week
Oct. 24th: Wear It Pink Day!
Oct. 24th: Bike Rodeo
NEW Oct. 24th: Kindergarten Teddy Bear Sleepover (Details Coming Soon from the Library)
Oct. 24th: End of 1st Nine Weeks
Library Corner
PTA Presents artist/illustrator E. B. Lewis
E. B. Lewis will be presenting to all Tuscany students on Thursday, October 16th. Mr. Lewis has illustrated over 50 children’s books. His paintings are amazing! If you would like Mr. Lewis to autograph a book for your child, please fill out the green order form that students brought home last week and return it to the library by the morning of October 16th. If you need an order form, visit Mrs. Johnson’s Library Webpage:
Click on the order form link in the E. B. Lewis box. Thank you for supporting your Tuscany Library!
PTA News
Eat for a Cause – Breaking news! Tuscany Heights families, our first Eat for a Cause event is scheduled for Monday, October 13 at BJ’s! It’s a school holiday, so treat everyone to a day off and close the kitchen! Flyers are attached and will be going home in backpacks early this week. The flyer MUST be presented at BJ’s for Tuscany Heights to get credit.
THE’s First Wellness Night was a success!
Thanks to our Tiger families for attending and working out together with The Jumping Dragons, Victory Martial Arts, Papillon Pilates, & Pillar Crossfit. Baptist Hospital & HEB provided us with healthy recipes, snacks, and samples. Ms. Staples and Ms. Sensat gave an informative presentation about Bullying.
Congrats to the FIFTH graders for the largest attendance by students and families! They earned the Tuscany Heights School Spirit Stick! One class on each grade level earned extra recess time for their attendance, and everyone that completed the exercise rotation earned a homework pass. We’re working together to have happy and healthy Tigers!
PTA Greenbacks – GOAL!!!!! We asked for your help to Light the Way to Leadership and you really came through! Our most recent count has us at $10,517.75 in Greenbacks! We can’t wait to hear what song our Shining Star Principals will sing! The students voted on Friday and results will be reported soon. Will it be “Happy”, “Let it Go” or “The Best Day of My Life”? Thanks for helping PTA Light the Way to Leadership! It’s going to be a bright year!
PTA Membership Cards - If you paid your PTA membership dues at the beginning of the school year, please check your child's backpack for your official PTA membership card. Members who paid more recently will receive their cards soon. Any questions - contact Caroline Cain at [email protected] or 210-241-2947.
It's never to late to join the PTA! Visit our web page to get started - TuscanyHeightsPTA.org.
REFLECTIONS – The World Would be a Better Place if … is the 2014-15 Reflections theme. Reflect on the theme. Create an original work. Be recognized! Categories include music composition, dance choreography, photography, film production, visual arts, and literature. Deadline for entries is October 20. For more information, rules, and student entry forms go to http://www.txpta.org/programs/reflections/ or visit THE library for a printed version.