June 3- 6, 2013
No School Friday, June 7th (Teacher Workday)
Thank you for your support with our efforts to collect for the families of Oklahoma. Our children are so kind and loving, thank you.
This will be our last week (4 days only) before summer break begins for our families. We want you to be aware that this week we are expecting the 2nd administration for 5th grade STAAR Reading and Math. We will share those results with our parents as soon as we have them in hand.
We will be sending an eBlast out to communicate Meet the Teacher information for the 2013-14 a few times over the summer as well as sharing it with Welcome Home.
School summer hours will be Monday-Thursday 8a.m.-3p.m.
Let's enjoy the final days of the 2012-13 school year!
Thank you,
Tara Bailey
Helpful Information
From the School Nurse:
On or before the last day of school, please pick up your child’s medication. The medication cannot be sent home with your child. No exceptions to this procedure will be made. Any medication not picked up by the last day of school will be properly disposed of by Health Services if other arrangements have not been made. Should other arrangements be necessary, please contact the school nurse.
If your child will require medication at school next year, it must be brought to school by an adult.
North East Independent School District policy prohibits students from transporting medication to and from school. All medication must be in the current and properly labeled prescription or medication container. Medication administered at school must be accompanied by the district’s Medication Administration Request Form. This form authorizes school personnel to administer prescribed daily or as needed medication and must be signed by you and your child’s physician. This form is available from your school nurse or from the NEISD Health Services web page (Medication Forms).
We want all students to know the proper use of medication and that misuse of any medication can have potentially serious consequences. All prescription medications and over the counter medications must be treated carefully and cautiously. Your student’s safety is our priority.
Thank you very much for your cooperation in this matter. If you have a question regarding medication for next year or picking up the medication at the end of this year, please call your school nurse.
Upcoming Events:
June 5th End of the Year Video Viewing
June 6th 5th Grade Awards Ceremony
End of the Year Parties
PTA News to Remember:
You are invited to view the 2012-2013 End of the Year Video, Wednesday, June 5th, 8:30 AM, in the library: All Tuscany parents are invited to come view our incredible 2012-2013 End of Year video. Our PTA historian has created a professional video that highlights all the great events, programs, and successes of this year! Enjoy refreshments while you watch this amazing video and reminisce about another great year at Tuscany! The video is approximately 35 minutes long and younger children are invited to attend as well. Don't miss out on this special showing of our 2012-2013 PTA video!
Get connected with T.H.E. PTA and join the 2013-2014 Executive Board: We are looking for volunteers to serve on T.H.E PTA Executive Board next year. These positions are open: Display Case, Environmental, Lunchroom, and T.H.E. PTA Presents.... If you are interested in serving in one of these chair positions or have any questions, please contact Mindy Waters, [email protected].
Run for the Heights Committee 2013-2014: We are looking for enthusiastic volunteers who would like to be members of our Run for the Heights committee next year. This major fundraiser has been a huge success for our community and school, and we want to continue that tradition. It takes a great team to make it happen, and it is a great way to give back to our school and students. There are opportunities for everyone, so please contact Mindy Waters, [email protected], or Donna Oyler, RFTH Chair, [email protected], if you are interested in helping.
Extra! Extra! Come claim your lost and found items!!! Our Lost and Found is overflowing with jackets, clothes, lunch supplies, and more. Please stop by the stage area in the cafeteria before the end of the school year to claim any missing items. We will be donating items to those effected by the tornados in the Oklahoma area.