We look forward to having a great time with the students this week as we celebrate Red Ribbon Week. It is our goal to continue teaching our students about the awareness of bullies, how to react when faced with such a situation, and how to advocate for themselves with many peer pressures. The NEW Covey Habit, Habit 8, is Find Your Voice. Let’s dress up, use our voice, and have some fun this week while we learn!!!
Thank you,
Tara Bailey
Upcoming Events
Oct. 20th- Oct. 24th: Red Ribbon Week
Oct. 20th-27th: THE’s Pumpkin Character Contest (Details Coming Soon from the Library)
Oct. 20th: Red Ribbon Week
Oct. 24th: Wear It Pink Day! Let’s wear pink to honor Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
Oct. 24th: Bike Rodeo – 5th Grade will start and then Kinder, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th
Oct. 24th: Kindergarten Teddy Bear Sleepover (Details Coming Soon from the Library)
Oct. 24th: End of 1st Nine Weeks
Oct. 27th: PTA Presents- The Adventures of Wonder and Stinger
Oct. 30th- Nov. 7th: Fall Book Fair
Oct. 30th: Fall Picture Retakes
Oct 31st: “Orange” you glad you are a tiger? We are! Wear Orange; Report Cards Go Home
Nov. 2nd: Daylight Savings Time
Nov. 4th and 5th: Early Dismissal Day, 12:40pm, Parent-Teacher Conferences
Nov. 4th: Election Day (THE will be an election site.)
Nov. 7th: Read across School (Wear your character costumes and bring your favorite book), Field Day, NO CHARACTER PARADE THIS YEAR
Nov. 11th: Veteran’s Day Celebration (More Information Coming); National Young Reader’s Day
Nov. 14th: National “I Love to Write” Day (Actually, Nov. 15th) and National Bundt Cake Day
Nov. 24th- 28th: Thankful Break for all!
Coffee with Covey Parent Meeting- Invite Attached and on our website http://www.neisd.net/tuscany/, Come find out more about the 7 Covey Habits that are students are embracing!
Check out our website for the Anti-Bully Presentation from our counselors http://www.neisd.net/tuscany/, Also attached to this eBlast.
PTA News
Helping our Partner School- We are in need of 60 CAKES/COOKIES donations for the Annual Cake Walk at East Terrell Hills Fall Festival on Friday, October 24.
Please leave all donations in the front office on a cart that will be labelled Partner in Education (Sister School) on FRIDAY by 2pm. No refrigerated items.
Also we are looking for 7 Volunteers to help with hosting the Cake Walk Booth @ E.T.H on 10/24/14 from 6:45pm-8:30pm. It is a lot of fun and your kids can earn service hours.
REFLECTIONS – The World Would be a Better Place if … is the 2014-15 Reflections theme. Reflect on the theme. Create an original work. Be recognized! Categories include music composition, dance choreography, photography, film production, visual arts, and literature. Deadline for entries is MONDAY, OCTOBER 20. For more information, rules, and student entry forms go to http://www.txpta.org/programs/reflections/ or visit THE library for a printed version.
Faculty Favorites are LIVE online! Check out the favorites of our teachers and staff by visiting the PTA website. You can access it by “Helpful links” and then “Favorite Things” or by clicking here.
PTA Membership Cards - If you paid your PTA membership dues at the beginning of the school year, please check your child's backpack for your official PTA membership card. Members who paid more recently will receive their cards soon. Any questions - contact Caroline Cain at [email protected] or 210-241-2947.
It's never to late to join the PTA! Visit our web page to get started - TuscanyHeightsPTA.org.
RED RIBBON WEEK – Be a Buddy, Not a Bully!
Monday – Dance away from bullies! Special dance time today!
Tuesday – “Lei” off bullies! Wear your Hawaiian/beach themed clothing
Wednesday – Give bullies the boot! Wear your favorite Western wear.
Thursday – Team up against bullies! Wear any team shirt.
Friday – Put a cap on bullies! Wear your favorite hat or cap.
T.H.E. PTA Presents…Bike Rodeo will be Friday, Oct. 24th, starting at 7:45 am. We will start with 5th grade, then kindergarten through 4th grade. We hope to end around 11:30 AM.
Here are a few reminders:
- Bike drop-off will be Thursday, 10/23, 4-6 PM and Friday, 10/24, 7-7:45 AM. Drop off is at Gym #1 in the back of the school.
- All bikes MUST be picked up by Friday afternoon.
- Label bikes and helmets with your child's name/grade/teacher.
- Bike Rodeo spectators need to park in visitor parking and check in through the front office.
5th Grade T-shirt Design Contest – Enter the contest to design the front of the 5th grade t-shirt! The winner of the 5th grade t-shirt design contest will have their original design printed on the Tuscany Heights 5th Grade T-shirt. Top 3 designs will receive a free t-shirt. This year’s theme is “T.H.E. Elite Class of 2015: Leaving our Mark”.
*All entries must be submitted on an 8.5 x 11” sheet of white copy paper.
*Use only two colors on the design.
*Student name and classroom must be written in pencil on the back.
*Due back to Ms. Wynder by Friday, October 31.
Honorary Texas PTA Life Membership Award - An Honorary Texas Life Membership is the highest honor bestowed upon an individual by the Texas PTA for outstanding contributions to the well being of children and youth. If you know someone who has gone the “extra mile” for our children, is a valuable volunteer, is an exceptional teacher, dedicated to education, is an outstanding staff member, or is a Community Member who shares his/her resources and expertise for the benefit of all children, then please consider nominating this individual for this very special award. It is not necessary that this person be a member of the Tuscany Heights PTA. Please complete a nomination form found here and return it to the Tuscany Heights School PTA in a sealed envelope labeled “Life Membership.” Be sure to include a summary on why you believe this person should receive this award. You may use the back of the form, or include a separate letter. Awards will be announced and presented at T.H.E. PTA General Meeting, December 2. Please return all nominations by Monday, October 27.