Happy July! We wanted to send some information your way as we are approaching the month of August. Please see below:
School start time has not changed: 7:40am-2:40pm.
Special General PTA Meeting, Monday, July 23, 9:30 AM- All PTA members are invited to attend a special summer PTA meeting at Michelle Kaiman’s house (727 Sentry Hill; Canyon Springs neighborhood) to vote on a fall fundraiser to raise money for technology for our school. We will be voting on using Apex Fun Run (formerly All Star Fun Run) to host a walk/run-a-thon on our campus in October. Proceeds raised for our school will be used to purchase smartboards and amplifier systems for our classrooms. We will also be discussing information regarding back to school. Please RSVP to Mindy Waters, [email protected], by 7/22 if you plan to attend.
2012-2013 PTA Welcome Back online orders begin July 23-Please visit tuscanyheightspta.org to complete welcome back information and order new spirit items.
Join T.H.E. PTA Executive Board for 2012-2013: We have two committee chair positions, Hospitality and Special Education, open for the upcoming school year. No experience necessary - we just need volunteers who are willing and eager to reach new heights at Tuscany! We also have the parliamentarian officer position currently open. Please e-mail Mindy Waters, [email protected], if you are interested or need more information. Thank you!