Community Service opportunity to support the Cloud Walkers - Come and support the San Antonio Amputee Foundation (SAAF) as their team of 12 amputees from San Antonio return from their climb of Mt Kilimanjaro in Tanzania, Africa. These amputees, called Cloud Walkers, are being led by Mona Patel (formerly a THE parent). They departed San Antonio on 12/26/15 and return this Friday, January 8, 2016. Plan to arrive at Delta Baggage Claim at 4:45 p.m. on Friday, January 8. The team returns at 5:04 p.m. on Delta Airlines #1871. Bring signs and/or balloons to congratulate these brave individuals for this inspiring endeavor! SIGN UP via VOLUNTEERSPOT so that any travel updates can be communicated to you. For more information about SAAF go to, or to see their documentary which aired on KSAT News, go to or the SA Express News article which ran in December:
Denise Jones
Chairperson, Community Service
Tuscany Heights PTA
[email protected]