Thank you so much for your receptive attitudes about putting student safety above convenience! With a few new practices developing in our arrival and dismissal procedures, we have worked hard to observe, problem solve, and communicate with all staff, parents, and students.
Please see the attached flyer for the back parking lot and specific procedures that are expected to help keep all students safe!
We appreciate all parents for using curbside drop off and pick-up for their children, or for walking their child(ren) safely across the crosswalk to drop off if they are car riders. Our crossing guards are certified crossing guards but always have their eyes on vehicles; therefore , your help is requested in getting your children safely across the crosswalks.
Again, thank you for putting student safety before convenience, and please know all guidelines are implemented in a manner to keep students safe. Student safety is a priority!
Thank you,
Tara Bailey
Parking Overhead View