Thank you for allowing me to take a moment of your time this evening but I want to address two concerns that have been weighing on my mind this week-
Firstly, we've had a dad and daughter that were almost hit by a car in the back parking lot when a parent pulled out of line to go around the other cars. I ask for your patience as we receive and dismiss students each day of the week. We do our best to have safety patrol, crossing guards, and other staff members all along the areas; however, we need parents to help us by being extremely cautious and aware of your surroundings when in the school zone. We are looking for vehicles to stay in line as each move forward, unload, and then drive out of the parking lot. By remaining in line, you do not run the risk of hitting another vehicle passing, vehicles pulling out of line themselves, and/or pedestrians. We also ask that everyone follow the law by not using cellphones while in the school zone. I ask this of you because I am thinking of the safety of our students! I do understand the arrival and dismissal of 840 students can bring about a time constraint, but I ask that you allow yourself extra time in order to prevent someone from being hurt. We at this time have the front as a drop off and pick up as well as the back in the mornings after buses. I do like offering this 2nd drop off area in the back, because I do feel it helps with traffic. If we continue to have safety concerns, I will move all parent drop-off to the front to reduce the congestion in the back parking area. Thank you for understanding my plea for the safety of our children.
*We have also been reminded that the fire lanes are not to be blocked at any time during the day.
Second, I sent out a Kens 5 report about a young man that had been seen in the area reported to have been involved in suspicious activity. Since my email, I have continued to have a few parents mention things they've seen posted on Facebook about an encounter in our community as recent as last week with this young man. We have lots of students walking home and I wanted to be sure that I brought your attention to the situation once again. Obviously, I do not have specific details nor do I wish to alarm our community. I just wanted you to know the information that has been given to me and trust that you will make informed decisions for your family. We support those decisions and will always look out for children while in our care.
Thank you for helping us work together as one big TIGER Family, and helping put safety first!
Thank you,
Tara Bailey