The message below went out regarding middle school choice slips/informational meetings. Unfortunately, we will not have an official list of students attending Bush or Tejeda for a little while longer from the district. In order to be more efficient with disseminating information, we are going to reschedule these meetings. We will let parents know as soon as we have dates scheduled. We have until Feb. 14th to finalize decisions regarding Middle School Choices.
Middle School Choice Slips
The Tuscany Heights Elementary Counselors will be presenting a PowerPoint Presentation to all 5th grade students about their choices for classes and electives for middle school on Jan. 16th and Jan. 17th. Parents are invited to come to hear the presentations and ask questions as well.
On Jan. 16th at 8:30 a.m., the counselors will present information about Bush Middle School to the students who will be attending Bush in the Fall of 2014, and presenting on Jan. 17th at 1:00pm to all students attending Tejeda Middle School in the Fall of 2014. Both presentations will be held in the Tuscany Heights Elementary Library.
Choice slips and 3-year-plans will be distributed to students after the presentations. The choice slips will be taken home to be reviewed and filled out. They will need to be returned to the counselors at Tuscany Heights by January 31st.