We can't wait for school to start!!!
We are combining Meet the Teacher and Orientation this school year, so be sure to pay close attention to the grade level start times. The start will be promptly at the designated time frame in order to help with the traffic flow for our campus. We want everyone to be able to get as much information to start the year off and have some great fun with your teachers!
August 21st
1st Grade 5:00pm
3rd Grade 6:00pm
5th Grade 7:00pm
August 23rd
ALE 4:30pm
PreK a.m. 4:30pm
PreK p.m. 5:30pm
Kinder 5:00pm
2nd Grade 6:00pm
4th Grade 7:00pm
Order 2012-2013 Spirit items and complete PTA Welcome Back information online at tuscanyheightspta.org: You can join PTA, submit directory related information, order new spirit items, make a greenback donation, and RSVP for our first Watch D.O.G.S. Pizza Night. If you order online before August 21, your items will be ready for pickup on Meet the Teacher nights, August 21 and 23. Items are not shipped but will quickly be picked up at our pre-order table in the gym. Don’t wait in line or miss out on our new 2012-2013 spirit items, so order now!
Sister School Back to School Drive August 21-September 7: We will be collecting gently used or new shoes and school supplies for our Sister School, Terrell Hills Elementary. Please bring these items on Meet the Teacher nights and drop them in the bins located in the foyer or gym. Thank you for “sharpening the saw” for our Sister School students!
Attached you will find more information!
Thank you,
Tara Bailey
Click here for the August 13, 2012 eBlast attachment.