Tomorrow will be our first round of Tuscany Clubs this school year! We are doing something different this year and hosting clubs duirng the school day to provide a chance for all students to "Sharpen their Saw" while here. We will participate in student clubs (their choice) once per nine weeks grading period. Wednesday, Oct. 29th will be our first club meeting. Therefore, we will operate on an early academic schedule like we do on early dismissal days but students will dismiss to their clubs, return to homeroom class, and prepare for dismissal at 2:40pm. It will be a full day of school, yet it will impact their schedules for lunch, recess, and specials.
If you plan to eat lunch with your child tomorrow, please reach out to the teachers to determine their lunch time. It should be the same as it is on early release days.
Thank you and don't forget to ask your students about their club!
Tara Bailey