First off, let me apologize that it took us 20 additional minutes today to dismiss. We had several things impacting our dismissal. We began dismissal indoors due to the weather but continued with it even though the sun surprised us. We felt that it was a good idea to practice a rainy day indoor dismissal with the students so that they understand the process as well as staff and parents. It does tend to take longer to dismiss that way, so my apologies that things shifted. However, when cars pulled out of the line due to the wait time, it caused the other cars to end up at different cones and their children were not waiting. We encourage you to stay in line once we have your car rider numbers. Otherwise, it impacts everyone behind you and students will not be in the proper place. I will take ownership for the other impact to our dismissal. Due to the length I felt parents and students had been waiting as well as an attempt to problem solve the traffic light congestion, I asked two of my staff members to help me start two lanes. My goal was to feed the 2nd lane into the first one, but I didn’t communicate it thoroughly.
A representative from Bexar County was here to assess the traffic lights due to complaints. The lights are properly working. Our issue with congestion comes in with the traffic coming from two different directions. While the light is green, the cars back up and end up in the street blocking other cars when their light turns green. I understand why; therefore, I attempted to try two lanes. We were attempting to find a solution that might help correct the parent concern with the traffic light and make the line more efficient. With this process, we would create two lines and allow the 2nd lane to feed into the first one before getting to the front of the school. We tried that and because the process wasn't understand by all, we created more disruption to our dismissal line. It was not my intention for there to be double lines when the line got to the cones. I WILL NOT CROSS STUDENTS BETWEEN CARS. Again, my apologies.
If implemented correctly it gives more efficiency to our dismissal, I would like to start the two lanes. I do need to ensure this would be acceptable with the fire department since it blocks both lanes. We will continue to work out the kinks in the car rider line and apologize for the inconvenience and concerns presented today. It is not my intention to have parents waiting for their children nor having students and staff in the heat for long periods of time. We intend to streamline the process while maintaining safety for all students.
Thank you for your support and understanding my position!
Thank you,
Tara Bailey