Thank you so much for supporting our campus and helping fund many activities and supplies that benefit our students! We are still working toward our final goal of $10,000; however, we want to reward the students with a PJ Day tomorrow, Sept. 27th for the $7,500 mark! We've been discussing with the students on morning announcements what is appropriate: spirit t-shirts and PJ pants (shorts are fine as long as they are school appropriate length). Please ensure your child follows the NEISD and campus dress code policy before leaving home. If possible, we'd love for them to keep their spirit with spirit t-shirts and wear those comfy pj pants. We will still do our
Friday spirit counts. If you don't have any T.H.E. spirit wear, a t-shirt is completely acceptable. Again, thank you for your support and for helping your child meet dress code tomorrow for our PJ DAY!!!!! **Spaghetti straps, gowns, boxer shorts, etc. are NOT appropriate.
Also, tell your children to start collecting their coins! Our Book Fair begins Sept. 30th- Oct. 4th. We had wonderful volunteers here today helping get things set up for viewing. Thank you!
Tara Bailey