WELCOME! My staff and I will be parking along the back parking lot (where the buses unload) in an effort to give priority parking to our elderly visitors! We look forward to having them on campus tomorrow.
We will have RAPTOR Badge tables in the rotunda if you pre-registered. IF not, go through the office to get an ID Badge. While we have an abundance fo visitors on campus, we want to maintain our security by making sure everyone is probably badged. Thank you for understanding!
2nd, 3rd, & 4th- 8a.m. to 9:00a.m.
Kinder, 1st, & 5th- 9:05a.m. to 10:05a.m.
On a Spirit Note...
For Spirit Shirt PREORDERS, wewill no longer be able to fill orders for certain sizes after midnight. All available sizes will still be available for order online.
You can also visit the Spirit table in the rotunda this Friday morning to purchase your spirit items.
Thank you,
Tara Bailey