Presidential Volunteer Service Award
Be Proactive & Volunteer!Be a proactive Tiger by volunteering! Your volunteer service completed between April 18, 2018 - April 15, 2019 not only helps your community, but it also earns you recognition and rewards!
Earn a Community Service Certificate Students that complete 10 or more hours of volunteer service with receive a Community Service certificate. Hours must be logged in the student's Leader In Me service log and turned in by April 15, 2019. Earn the President's Volunteer Service Award (PVSA) Students age 5-10 years old that record 26 or more hours and students age 11-13 years old that record 20 or more hours will be eligible to receive an official President's Volunteer Service Award (PVSA) certificate and pin at the THE Community Service Awards Ceremony. For students turning 11 years old during the award year, volunteers will be awarded for the age they were for the majority (at least 7 months). Any student who turns 11 years old after November 18th will qualify at the lower level for ages 5-10 years old. Service hours must be logged on the PVSA website by April 15, 2019 for the PVSA Award.
Create an account today at:
Tuscany Heights
All Leader In Me service logs must be turned into the Front Office and PVSA hours must be logged into the PVSA website by April 15, 2019.
Questions? Please contact Tammy Harms at
[email protected]
Thank you for helping your community!
Click here for a Leader In Me Service Log
Questions? Please contact Tammy Harms at
[email protected]
Thank you for helping your community!
Click here for a Leader In Me Service Log
This website is created and managed by PTA volunteers. Please email feedback, questions, or concerns regarding this website to the website committee. |