We had an excited first week with your children. Thank you for entrusting us with them! As we embark on the 2nd week of school, we have a few events to capture the attention of our families: Leadership Pep Rally/1st PTA Mtg and Grandparents Day Celebrations. We hope you join us this week! More information below.
Starting the 2nd week of school may bring about some changes with transportation, so I hope that you will reach out to the teachers to ensure they know how your child will be getting home. This week looks like we are expecting some rain. If you want your child to travel home a different way in the event of rain, please make sure the teacher knows. We make no assumptions and/or changes to a child’s dismissal UNLESS parents notify us of the change. Please make any changes prior to 2pm to ensure the teacher and the office are aware. Thank you for being diligent with this process to ensure the safety of all students.
Again, we are encouraging all students to show leadership by walking themselves to class and helping others along the way if needed. We will also have staff all along the hall assisting as well. If you have a Kinder student and you want them to give it a try, we do have safety patrol and staff that can provide assistance, just let us know when you drop them off. Should you want to walk your child(ren) to class, you will need to report to the office, check-in, and receive a RAPTOR badge for security purposes.
Thank you,
Tara Bailey
Upcoming Events
Sept. 2nd Leadership Pep Rally/PTA Meeting 5:30pm
Join us for a Leadership Pep Rally to help kick off the school year with our students. We have set a goal for 100% of our students to understand and apply leadership this year. We’d love your support in making sure our students know how valuable their talents and skills are to us and the community. We want them to shine, to LEAD! The Reagan and Johnson Cheerleaders will join us for a performance as well as the Tuscany Staff. We hope that you and your family will be there! Pizza, $1 a slice, and water, $1 a bottle, will be sold starting at 5:30. The performance will begin around 6pm and the PTA General Meeting will follow at 6:30pm.
Sept. 5th Grandparents Day at THE 7:45-9:45a.m.
Join us this Friday to celebrate the wonderful grandparents of our students. We hope your family can attend! All grandparents and parents will need a RAPTOR Badge for security purposes, so please pre-register by letting your teacher and/or the office know. We will preprint badges to avoid lines. If your grandparents have never been to Tuscany, we will have to scan their ID before or the day of their arrival. We will be as fast as we can, but SAFETY comes first. Please arrive early not to cause a delay in arrival to the classrooms.
PTA Information
Tuesday, Sept. 2nd - PTA General Meeting – Leader in Me Pep Rally for the whole family! Join us for a pizza dinner (Cash or Check only) followed by a pep rally and a special performance by some VIP Tigers! You will have a chance to Join PTA, make a tax-deductible Greenbacks donation, order your student directory, learn about our Watch D.O.G.S. program, sign up to volunteer, and purchase spirit items. It will be a great night for all of our Tiger families!
Spirit, Spirit, Spirit, Spirit, Spirit
Go online now to www.tuscanyheightspta.org to order your fall spirit items and get ready for our first SPIRIT DAY, Friday, Sept 5. The very popular headbands and hair bows are now available online as well!
In-stock items will be delivered to your child's classroom. We have already sold out of several sizes and are placing one more order for these popular items. They will only be available for a LIMITED time as preorders. Deadline to order these popular items in your size is September 5. Please place your order soon so you don't miss out!
On the website you can also:
- Join PTA
- Make a tax-deductible Greenbacks donation
- Order your student directory
- Volunteer!
Include Your Child in Our 2014-2015 Tuscany Heights Student Directory
The PTA produces a directory to keep parents “in the know” and help our children stay in touch with their friends. Include only the information you would like to share. Address, phone, e-mail… No purchase necessary to be included.
Please add your child’s information on our website under Welcome Back at www.tuscanyheightspta.org or on the attached form to have them listed in the directory. If you already purchased your Directory on the Welcome Back form, you don’t need to buy another one – just give us the information you want included. The deadline for inclusion is Friday, September 12. It will only take a minute!
Also on the website & backpack flyers --
- Purchase a directory for only $6
- Purchase Business Ads – a great way to reach our community!
- Tributes and Shout Outs – fun ways to show your kids how proud you are of them. Starting at $10. Deadline to order is Friday, 9/12/14.
- Art Contest News – Theme is "Watch Tigers Synergize". Art entries will be due Friday, 9/12/14. Don’t miss out on a spirit stick and a chance for your child’s art to be published!
Box Tops Opportunities This Month: HEB 50 eBoxTops Promotion
Buy 10 Box Tops Products from now thru August 31 and earn $5 for Tuscany Heights. Visit www.tuscanyheightspta.org for details! Receipts must be submitted by 10/10/14. Codes redeemed by 12/1/14.
Costco Golden Ticket Challenge
Earn 8 Box Tops on select items containing The Golden Ticket Challenge which are worth 100 Box Tops or $10 if you win! More details at www.costcoboxtops.com. Game ends August 31, 2015.
THE PTA Website www.tuscanyheightspta.org
Tuscany Heights Volunteers Link http://vols.pt/CFEbnn